People would wonder why IRISHTEMPTASIAN. So let me break it down. IRISH TEMPT ASIAN. This Irish guy tempted this asian girl. We’ll actually he’s not full blooded irish and not even born in Ireland but its the easiest way I was able to describe him. He’s just half irish and half native american.  And now you wonder who am i talking about. It’s none other than the one who tempted me. My lovely  husband.

So he’s the reason behind my username We got married last yar 2010. I got married twice but the same men. haha. I’d like to share some of our pictures. Enjoy.

This is one of my favorite pictures from our beach wedding.  And I’m proud to say the venue is in the northern part of the PHILIPPINES also called “BORACAY OF THE NORTH” to be more specific VILLA DEL MAR PAGUDPOD ILOCOS NORTE.

Here’s one of the pictures from our church wedding here in California together wit his family.

Another picture with the bridesmaid and groomsmen. Pardon me I’m missing two of the groomsmen in the picture which are my cousins  (they dont pay attention very well).

another picture from the beach wedding

here’s the last photo from church wedding with our familias combined

last picture is with my family. so yeah I got married twice at the beach and at church. *wink.  I’ll do a blog on my wedding with more pictures next time. If you like to see more picture. Please leave a comment =) till next time.